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What is the difference between a Special Report and a Special Investigation Report?

A special report is issued by the Board if it wishes to comment publicly on a matter that is related to the work of the Board or a specific audit or investigation case. A special investigation is conducted by the Board to deal with matters of significant public interest that cannot be adequately addressed through […]
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Does the Board always need a complaint before it can conduct an investigation?

No – the Board may conduct special investigations to determine compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act, Wildfire Act, the regulations made under those acts, and the appropriateness of government enforcement of certain parts of those acts. Special investigations deal with matters of significant public interest over a larger area than can be addressed […]
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If I see something I don’t like in the forest, do I come to you?

If you have concerns about any forest or range practices you have seen, we will do our best to help you. Usually, we start by determining who to contact in government or the name of the tenure holder in that area. We can also explain the relevant legislation, and whether or not the government’s Compliance […]
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Are you part of the BC Provincial Government? How are you different?

The Board is a government agency, fulfilling an administrative tribunal role. However, the Board operates separately from any ministry and takes direction from its appointed Board. Although the Board does not have enforcement powers, it does provide oversight of government and industry forest and range practices. The Board’s role is similar to the Auditor General […]
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Who is the Board? Who appoints the members?

The Board is made up of six people—a full-time Chair and five part-time members. Board members are appointed by Cabinet, based on their background and experience in forestry related areas. In addition, the Board has 17 full-time staff members, representing a range of professional backgrounds in forestry, biology, law, and geoscience. The Board is not […]
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Report bcfpb_report


Compliant that spilled oil could contaminate the spring and Tindill Creek.
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Report bcfpb_report

CLOSING LETTER: Construction of Waterbars on Puggins Mountain Road

Two long-time users of the road discovered that almost 100 waterbars had been constructed across the road, making it impassable to car traffic and difficult for pick-up traffic.
Report bcfpb_report

Integrating Non-Timber Forest Products into Forest Planning and Practices in British Columbia

Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are an important forest resource in British Columbia, with the potential to make a...
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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