VICTORIA – Skeena Sawmills Ltd. is generally meeting the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act on its forestry tenures in the Kitimat area, but the audit found non-compliance related to planting of tree seedlings, according to a report. The audit found five cutblocks where seedlings were planted outside the appropriate elevation range. […]
VICTORIA – An audit of forestry activities on seven woodlots, in the Nadina Natural Resource District, has found all seven had some type of non-compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act and/or the Wildfire Act, according to the audit reports. “The auditors found that woodlot licensees did not meet obligations related to reforesting previously […]
The Forest Practices Board is celebrating 20 years of service to the public and government of BC as the independent oversight of BC’s forest and range practices. The Board’s body of work is substantive and has contributed to better and more consistent practices, compliance and regulatory performance. Independent oversight is good public policy—it builds accountability, […]
VICTORIA – A report released today says that planning requirements for grazing livestock on public lands are not being met, and the Forest Practices Board is recommending that government look at eliminating the preparation of detailed plans for most ranchers and giving them practice requirements that they must follow instead. Under the province’s Forest and […]
VICTORIA – Western Forest Products Inc. received a clean audit for operations in Tree Farm Licence 6 on northern Vancouver Island, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board audited Western’s timber harvesting and associated planning activities for 159 cutblocks on the northern portion of Vancouver Island, and found Western was in compliance with legislative […]
VICTORIA– The Clearwater business unit of B.C. Timber Sales’ Kamloops business area has been randomly selected for audit, the Forest Practices Board announced today. The field portion of the audit will begin on Sept. 24, 2007 and will last approximately one week. The full-scope compliance audit will examine operational planning; timber harvesting; construction, maintenance and […]
VICTORIA – A review of forest and range practice audits from 2013 and 2014 finds about half the audits had no issues and half had non-compliance with legislation or areas requiring improvement, according to a report released today. Of the problems found, one-third involved problems with wildfire prevention. “We published 23 audit reports and 12 […]
VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will investigate how much progress communities have made in reducing forest fuels in the wildland-urban interface. The investigation is a follow-up to a report the Board published in February 2010. “We decided earlier this year that it was time to take a look and see what has happened since […]
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.