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Audit near Dawson Creek finds soil, water protected

VICTORIA – An audit of cattle grazing, forest harvesting and road construction and maintenance practices on Crown land in the Kiskatinaw River watershed found that legal requirements to conserve soils and protect water quality were met, according to a report released today. The audit examined forestry, oil and gas, and range operations in the Kiskatinaw […]
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Investigation concludes wood waste properly accounted for

A Forest Practices Board investigation into a complaint about how wood waste is measured and reported after timber harvesting shows that a government wood waste accounting.
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Investigation concludes wood waste properly accounted for

VICTORIA - A Forest Practices Board investigation into a complaint about how wood waste is measured and reported after timber harvesting shows that a government wood waste accounting system is being implemented appropriately, with the primary purpose of ensuring government receives payment for wood harvested. "Poor markets and the rising value of the Canadian dollar […]
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Comprehensive plan needed to save sensitive coastal plant communities

VICTORIA– The Forest Practices Board is recommending that the provincial government promptly finalize and implement an overall stewardship strategy for the coastal Douglas fir ecosystem (CDF) on Southeast Vancouver Island. The recommendation was made in a newly released board report, Woodlot Harvesting and Red-listed Plant Communities in the Coastal Douglas-fir Ecosystem of Vancouver Island.  The […]
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Board to audit Carrier Lumber licence takeovers in Robson Valley

VICTORIA–Carrier Lumber’s road and bridge maintenance and silviculture obligations on two recently purchased licences in the Robson Valley will be audited by the Forest Practices Board next week. Carrier took over the two largest licences (A15430 and A15429) in the Robson Valley when the previous holders closed operations due to financial problems. The four-person audit […]
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Inadequate monitoring and enforcement put fish stream at risk

VICTORIA – Gaps in monitoring by the Ministry of Forests and Range (MOFR) put an East Kootenay fish stream at risk, the Forest Practices Board reported today. Since the incident occurred, MOFR and BC Timber Sales (BCTS) have taken measures to reduce the risk of future occurrences of this nature. The board’s special investigation focused […]
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Board requests prompt government decision on watershed designation

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board is requesting a prompt decision from the Ministry of Environment on a request for a community watershed designation by water users at Anderson Lake between Pemberton and Lillooet. The recommendation arose from a board investigation into a complaint by a representative of the water users.  In March 2002, the […]
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Wildfire threatens homes and properties throughout B.C.

VICTORIA – In a report released today, B.C.’s Forest Practices Board warns that little progress has been made in protecting urban interface areas from catastrophic wildfire and we are all responsible. In 2010, the board issued a report and recommendations to government and communities to address the risks of wildfire in urban interface areas. This […]
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Mountain Pine Beetle Report Finds Good Reforestation Efforts

VICTORIA – The reforestation of areas most heavily affected by B.C.’s mountain pine beetle infestation is as prompt, or quicker, than in areas not affected, or affected to a lesser degree, according to a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. “The board views this as a commendable achievement,” said board chair Bruce Fraser. […]
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Board Coming to the Queen Charlotte Islands to Audit BCTS and Timber Sale Licence Holders

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board is coming to the Queen Charlotte Islands in early May, to audit British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) and timber sale licence (TSL) holders. The audit will examine BCTS and TSL holders’ operations throughout the Queen Charlotte Islands timber supply area (TSA), including Sewell Inlet, Collison Point, and Massett Inlet. […]
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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