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File bcfpb_newsrelease

Audit of Ka-Bar Resources near Princeton finds good practices

An audit of Ka-Bar Resources Ltd.’s forestry activities, 45 kilometres northeast of Princeton, found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report released today.
File bcfpb_newsrelease

BC Hydro transmission line passes audit

An audit of BC Hydro’s fire prevention practices on four licences to cut associated with the Columbia Valley Transmission Project found operations met the requirements of B.C.’s Wildfire Act, according to a report released today.
File bcfpb_newsrelease

Board to audit fire prevention practices on BC Hydro transmission line

VICTORIA – The board will audit BC Hydro’s fire prevention practices on four licences to cut associated with the Columbia Valley Transmission Project, starting Tuesday, June 18. The audit will examine fire hazard assessment and abatement practices along the transmission line expansion for compliance with the Wildfire Act and relevant regulations. Under the act, a […]
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File A Concern

Have a Concern about Forest or Range Practices? Any person can file a complaint with the Forest Practices Board. The Board can consider complaints about issues such as planning, including forest stewardship plans, site plans and woodlot licence plans; forest practices such as harvesting trees and road building; range plans and practices; protection of resources, […]
File bcfpb_question

Do you have information on recreation sites?

Information is available at:
Report bcfpb_report

Road and Bridge Practices - Board Audit Findings 2005 - 2011: Special Report

This special report takes a look at the results of Board audits under the Forest and Range Practices Act and the...
Report bcfpb_report

Timeliness, Penalty Size and Transparency of Penalty Determinations

One way the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) and Wildfire Act (WA) are enforced is through the use of...
Report bcfpb_report

Audit of Range Planning and Practices: Cascades District - Range Agreements for Grazing RAN076722, RAN076723, RAN076728, RAN076729, RAN077096

In September 2015, the Forest Practices Board audited range planning and practices on five agreements for grazing in...
Report bcfpb_report

Follow-up Report on Wildlife and Cattle Grazing in the East Kootenay

The Rocky Mountain Trench is rich in ecological diversity. It is the low-elevation grassland and open forest ecosystems...
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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