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File bcfpb_newsletter

Issue #25 - Summer 2021

The past summer brought a barrage of stark reminders of the impact climate change is having on our society and our ecosystems.  The heat dome at the beginning of the summer was of a magnitude and impact that forces us all to rethink our understanding of the severity of the new climate extremes. And while […]
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Report bcfpb_report

Public Request for Copy of Forestry Plan

Public Request for Copy of Forestry Plan This investigation is about the adequacy of the public review and comment opportunity for Pope and Talbot's (the...
Report bcfpb_report

Impacts of Mountain Pine Beetle Salvage Logging on a Trapline

In January 2010, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint from a Colleymount resident who farms, logs, and holds a range and a trapping tenure. The complainant believes that harvesting and road construction have reduced the available amount of wildlife habitat, disrupted the natural movement of animals and that his trapping tenure can no longer support […]
Report bcfpb_report

Closing Letter: Bamfield Visual Quality Objectives

The Forest Practices Board received a complaint that asserted harvesting by Huu-ay-aht Forestry Limited Partnership near Bamfield was not consistent with the visual quality objective for the area and furthermore, that government enforcement was not appropriate. The complaint was resolved.
Report bcfpb_report

Closing Letter: Yates Creek Flooding

In May 2018, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint that asserted recent harvesting in a watershed had increased peak flows and in combination with inadequate road maintenance by Interfor and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) caused damage to Yates Creek, Yates Creek Road and his private property. The complaint was resolved.
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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