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Strategic Plan 2019-2022

The Forest Practices Board strategic plan for 2019-2022 will guide our work and help us to focus on priority issues for the next three years.
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Forestry Audit: Small Scale Salvage in the Cariboo Chilcotin Natural Resource District

In September 2018, the Forest Practices Board audited the Small Scale Salvage program in the Cariboo Chilcotin Natural Resource District. Small scale salvage is the harvest of individual trees or small patches of dead or damaged timber. During the one-year audit period, almost all small scale salvage activity in the district was aimed at addressing […]
Report bcfpb_report

Impact of a Logging Road and Helicopter Landing on Wildlife Habitat near Jones Lake

On September 27, 1999, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint from the Chilliwack Field Naturalists (the...
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Harvest Planning for Ecosystem Based Management on Haida Gwaii

The Forest Practices Board received a complaint about compliance of planning and practices under the Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order by British Columbia Timber Sales. The complainant identified cutblocks in the Naikoon landscape unit and was specifically concerned about sustainable stewardship of cedar, watershed level hydrological processes, and landscape level conservation of biodiversity. The […]
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Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Construction, Maintenance and Deactivation: Weldwood of Canada Ltd. - FL A20017

This is the Board’s report on a compliance audit of Forest Licence A20017, held by Weldwood of Canada Ltd. (Weldwood)....
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Harvesting of Young Stands in BC

The Board received a complaint about harvesting a young stand of trees that had been treated to increase the volume and value of the trees. The complainant was concerned that harvesting this young stand may impact timber supply and was not consistent with good forest stewardship or sound ecological principles. The Board believed that one […]
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Logging and Visual Quality near Lillooet

The Board investigated a complaint from a community group about the potential visual impacts of a licensee’s planned logging near Lillooet.  This area has visual quality objectives (VQOs), and the licensee’s forest stewardship plan contained results and strategies to meet these objectives.  The complainant was concerned that planned logging would not meet the VQOs, and […]
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Forestry Audit: BC Timber Sales and Timber Sale Licensees - Babine Business Area, Skeena-Stikine Natural Resource District

As part of its 2017 compliance audit program, the Forest Practices Board randomly selected the Skeena-Stikine Natural Resource District portion of BC Timber Sales' (BCTS) Babine Business Area for audit. BTCS’ operations fell within several operating areas contained within the Bulkley Timber Supply Area. Outdoor recreation is popular within the TSA, with recreation activities concentrated […]
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Closing Letter - Planning Harvesting to Maintain Landscape-Level Biodiversity Values

In February, 2017, the Forest Practices Board received a complaint from the Lhtako Dene First Nation asserting that planned harvesting in two landscape units by Tolko Industries Ltd. will impact moose populations and landscape-level biodiversity in their Traditional Territory. The Lhtako Dene also said that communication with Tolko has been difficult and that they did […]
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Management of Douglas-fir Bark Beetles Southeast of Kamloops, BC

An experienced forest worker was concerned that Tolko had not removed all the trees it felled to trap Douglas-fir bark beetle before the insects emerged and that some of its harvest practices increased the infestation level in ungulate winter range in the Upper Salmon River area. Douglas-fir bark beetle is normally present at low levels […]
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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