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File bcfpb_question

What is an appeal?

The Forest Appeals Commission is an independent tribunal and has the authority to hear appeals of a range of determinations (an act, omission, decision, procedure, levy, order, or other action made or taken by an official) made under the Forest and Range Practices Act, the Wildfire Act and others. The Commission can hold hearings in […]
File bcfpb_question

How can the Board be independent when the government funds you?

While the Board is accountable to the Minister of Forests, it does not report to the minister and does not receive its funding from the ministry. The Board receives its funding directly from the Treasury Board. The Board operates independently, deciding what audits and special investigations it will carry out, and must deal with all […]
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Report bcfpb_report

Was marbled murrelet habitat adequately protected in the Brand Valley?

On July 26, 1999, the Board received a request for an administrative review of the determination to approve the South...
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BCGov News - Government takes action on old growth

BCGov News - Government takes action on old growth
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Report bcfpb_report

Skaiakos Point Road construction and logging of old-growth trees near a proposed hiking trail by Sechelt Inlet

On June 22, 1999, the Board received a complaint about the construction of a logging road and cutblock on the northeast...
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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