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Our Policies

Board Policies This page contains Forest Practices Board policies and procedures that may interest the general public. The policies and procedures relate to how the Board carries out its mandate. This page will be updated as new policies and procedures are developed. Governance Policies Code of Conduct External Communications Forest Practices Board Members’ Role & […]
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Community Watersheds: From Objectives to Results on the Ground

Drinking water is of paramount concern to British Columbians. Government regulates the safe and reliable supply of...
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Harvesting Impacts on Natural Range Barriers near Sharpe Lake

A rancher in the south Cariboo was concerned that West Fraser Mills Ltd. did not mitigate impacts to a natural range...
Report bcfpb_report

Logging and Winter Stream Flow in Twinflower Creek

In 2011, a complainant experienced an unexpected loss of water and two floods. Concerned that his property, livelihood...
Report bcfpb_report

Forestry Audit: British Columbia Timber Sales Cariboo-Chilcotin Business Area (Quesnel Field Unit)

The audit examined both BCTS’ and TSL holders’ obligations and activities. BCTS is responsible for operational planning...
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Wildlife and Cattle Grazing in the East Kootenay

The complainant, a retired range agrologist, is concerned that Crown rangelands in the East Kootenay area of the Rocky...
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Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Activities: Ainsworth Lumber Company Ltd. - Pulpwood Agreement # 16 and West Fraser Mills Ltd. - FL A20001

Timber harvesting and road planning activities undertaken by Ainsworth Lumber Company Ltd. on pulp agreement #16 and...
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Logging in Spotted Owl Habitat in the Blackwater Creek Valley

In June 2007, the Board received a complaint about a timber sale in the Blackwater Creek Valley near D’Arcy, in the...
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Logging and Conservation of Endangered Plant Communities on Vancouver Island

This investigation began with a complaint, from the Carmanah Forestry Society, about the approval of an amendment to...
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Post-Wildfire Hazard Assessment and Risk Management

fter a wildfire, the likelihood of natural hazards such as landslides , severe surface soil erosion and flooding can...
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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