Two trappers in the Nazko Area, near Quesnel complained to the Board that logging practices to salvage mountain pine beetle killed pine trees have removed fisher habitat on their trapline. They claim habitat loss will affect their livelihood and were concerned that salvage operations were not being managed to maintain fisher and other wildlife habitats. […]
The Forest Practices Board does not have jurisdiction on private land, except for some woodlots and tree farm licences. We recommend that you contact the Managed Forest Council, they may be able to help if the land is owned by one of their members. If logging is within city or Regional District boundaries then you […]
Complaint Investigation Reference Manual - version 5.0 DOWNLOAD The investigation reference manual has been prepared to: inform parties, affected persons, potential complainants and interested persons of the Forest Practices Board’s complaint investigation process; help complaint analysts exercise delegated responsibilities; and ensure that the Forest Practices Board is consistent in its investigation practice.
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.