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ABCFP Response to Recommendation

ABCFP Response to Recommendation
Report bcfpb_report

Potential Effects of Logging on Drinking Water Quality at Scum Lake

The complainant operates a fishing camp at Scum Lake. Since the late 1980s he has expressed his concerns to the...
Report bcfpb_report

Timber Salvage Harvesting and Fisher Management in the Nazko Area

Two trappers in the Nazko Area, near Quesnel complained to the Board that logging practices to salvage mountain pine beetle killed pine trees have removed fisher habitat on their trapline. They claim habitat loss will affect their livelihood and were concerned that salvage operations were not being managed to maintain fisher and other wildlife habitats. […]
File bcfpb_question

I have concerns about logging on private land, can you help?

The Forest Practices Board does not have jurisdiction on private land, except for some woodlots and tree farm licences. We recommend that you contact the Managed Forest Council, they may be able to help if the land is owned by one of their members. If logging is within city or Regional District boundaries then you […]
Report bcfpb_report

Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Activities: TFL 42 - Tanizul Timber Ltd.

This is a report on a compliance audit of Tree Farm Licence 42, held by Tanizul Timber Ltd. (Tanizul). TFL 42 is...
Report bcfpb_report

Adequacy of Repair and Maintenance of the Elk River Road, Near Elk Lakes Provincial Park

On January 6, 2000, the Board received a complaint from an Elkford resident about repairs that were made to the Elk...
Report bcfpb_report

Audit of Range Planning and Practices: Thompson Rivers Natural Resource District - Range Agreements for Grazing RAN077532 and RAN077579

This is the audit report for two of those agreements, RAN077532 located north of Barriere and RAN077579 located north of Kamloops.
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2015-2016 Annual Report

2015-2016 Annual Report
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Complaint Investigation Reference Manual - version 5.0

Complaint Investigation Reference Manual - version 5.0 DOWNLOAD The investigation reference manual has been prepared to: inform parties, affected persons, potential complainants and interested persons of the Forest Practices Board’s complaint investigation process; help complaint analysts exercise delegated responsibilities; and ensure that the Forest Practices Board is consistent in its investigation practice.
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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