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How do I find out which company is logging in my area?

 And how do I know they have permits to cut down the trees? This information can be obtained through the nearest forest district office:
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Management of Karst Resource Features on Northern Vancouver Island

This special investigation looked at karst management on northern Vancouver Island and did not determine that any caves...
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Meeting Outstanding Silviculture Obligations in the Kotcho Area

In 2009, Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs (the complainant) filed a complaint with the Board asserting that Canada Resurgence...
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Timber Harvesting Impacts on Water Flows near Clearwater

In May 2015, the owners of the Sunset Village Mobile Home Park, near Clearwater, complained that harvesting by the...
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Biodiversity in the Interior Cedar-Hemlock Forests Near Dome Creek

A complaint filed by several public groups about the management of biodiversity in the interior cedar-hemlock...
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Compliance Inspections and Management

The Ministry of Forests and Range (MFR) Compliance and Enforcement (C&E) program is responsible for promoting...
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Forestry Audit: British Columbia Timber Sales - Fort St. John Pilot Project Area

BCTS and timber sales licence holders near Fort St. John have achieved full compliance for their operation under a...
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Unauthorized Construction of a Cabin and Trail on Sinclair Mountain

A resident of Smithers asked the Board to investigate the unauthorized construction of a cabin and an ATV trail on...
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Harvesting and Road-Building on a Maple Ridge Woodlot

The Blue Mountain‐Kanaka Creek Conservation Group filed a complaint with the Board about the adequacy of planning and...
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Proposed Logging in the Shawnigan Lake Watershed

The Board received a complaint from Shawnigan Lake Watershed Watch about proposed development within the community...
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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