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Tanizul Timber Undergoes Forest Practices Audit

Victoria - The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Tanizul Timber Ltd. in Tree Farm Licence 42. The operating area for this licence is 56 kilometres northwest of Fort St. James, along the north end of Stuart Lake. This is a limited-scope audit that will look at construction, maintenance and […]
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Lignum Ltd. Forestry Operations Near 100 Mile House Undergo Random Audit By Forest Practices Board

Victoria - Today, the Forest Practices Board began the fieldwork portion of an audit of Lignum Ltd.'s Forest Licence A20003. Operating areas for this licence are located west of 100 Mile House adjacent to the Fraser River from Clinton north to Lac La Hache. This is a limited scope audit that will examine construction, maintenance […]
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Forest Practices Board Completes Complaint Investigation Of A Logging Road Close To A Stream In Clayoquot Sound

Victoria - Today, the Forest Practices Board released its report concluding an investigation of a complaint concerning an International Forest Products Ltd. (Interfor) logging road located close to a stream on Catface Mountain. The road is located approximately 10 kilometres north of Tofino, in the centre of the Clayoquot Sound designated area. The Friends of […]
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Forest Practices Board Audits Western Products Ltd. Forestry Operations in TFL 25

Victoria - Today, the Forest Practices Board began an audit of Tree Farm Licence (TFL) 25, held by Western Forest Products Ltd. The areas covered by the audit within the TFL include the Sewell Inlet operation, located in the Queen Charlotte Islands south of Sandspit, and the Rodrick and Yeo operations, located west of Bella […]
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Forest Practices Board Audits Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd. Forestry Operations

Victoria - Today, the Forest Practices Board began an audit of Forest Licence A18671, held by Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd. The operating area for this licence is in the South Okanagan on both sides of Okanagan Lake close to Westbank, Naramata and Summerland, as well as south of that area around Keremeos. The audit will […]
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Forest Practices Board Chair Speaks to American Buyers about Forestry Practices

Victoria - Today, the Chair of the BC Forest Practices Board is speaking in San Francisco at a forum on Sourcing Environmentally Responsible Forest Products. The event will be attended by executives of some large US corporations, including Xerox, Starbucks and Levi Strauss. Keith Moore was invited to speak at this event to give the […]
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Valemount community forest gets good audit

Forest practices in the Valemount community forest complied with provincial forestry legislation, according to a Forest Practices Board audit report released today.
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Forest Watchdog Releases Annual Report for 1997

Victoria - The Forest Practices Board's Annual Report for the calendar year 1997 was tabled in the legislature today by the Honourable David Zirnhelt, Minister of Forests. The report highlights the independent Forest Practices Board's findings and conclusions on compliance with the Forest Practices Code and the achievement of its intent, based on the Board's […]
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Forest Practices Effective at Reducing Landslides

Forest companies did a good job reducing the occurrence of landslides caused by their operations under the Forest Practices Code, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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Board to Audit BCTS in Rocky Mountain Forest District

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) program in the Rocky Mountain Forest District. The audit will examine BCTS’s operations located throughout the Cranbrook and Invermere timber supply areas, and including portions of the Rocky Mountain Trench, Purcell Mountains, and Rocky Mountains. […]
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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