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Board to audit two forest licences near 100 Mile House

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the forestry activities of Norbord on non‑replaceable forest licences A81492 and A84592 in the 100 Mile House Resource District, during the week of Oct. 17, 2016. Auditors will examine operational planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and wildfire protection practices for compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act […]
Report bcfpb_report

Audit of Operational Planning: Ministry of Forests, Lakes Forest District Small Business Forest Enterprise Program

The operating area of the Lakes District SBFEP lies within the Lakes Timber Supplay Area (TSA), the eastern most...
Report bcfpb_report

Forest development plan public review and bark beetle management

The Board received a complaint from a member of the public concerning an amendment to a licensee's Five Year Forest Development Plan. The complaint asserted that: a licensee amended its forest development plan for a forest licence without providing adequate time for public review and comment. a licensee was not practicing healthy forest management, in […]
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Forestry Watchdog Says Practices Improving —But Wildlife and Biodiversity Protection Still Missing from Code

Victoria - Forest practices in BC have improved significantly and the environmental impacts associated with logging and road construction have been reduced. That is one of the main conclusions of the 1998 Annual Report of the Forest Practices Board, tabled yesterday in the BC Legislature. "There is some good news here. Forest companies, government and […]
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Protection of scenic areas near Williston Lake consistent with Forest Practices Code

Victoria - The Ministry of Forests' decision to identify scenic areas and establish visual quality objectives for areas visible from Williston Lake was reasonable and met Forest Practices Code requirements, said the Forest Practices Board in a report released today. In its report, the board recommends the district manager start a process for public participation. […]
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Forest Practices Board Fights For Right To Release Audit

Victoria - The Forest Practices Board announced today that it will oppose an application to prevent it from issuing its audit report about Northwood Inc.'s forest practices near Houston, B.C. On Dec.21, Northwood will ask the Court of Appeal to prohibit release of the board report until the court decides the company's appeal of a […]
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Supreme Court Upholds Forest Practices Board's Freedom To Comment

Victoria - The BC Supreme Court has rejected a legal argument that would have seriously impaired the ability of the Forest Practices Board to report what is going on in the province's forests. The Forest Practices Board's right to fully report its audit findings to the public was upheld in the Nov. 30th decision. In […]
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Canim Lake Band’s forest company passes audit

VICTORIA – An audit of forest planning, harvesting and road practices of Kenkeknem Forest Tenure Ltd., in the 100 Mile District, found that all activities met the requirements of provincial forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “This is one of the first active First Nations Woodland Licences in the province and we were […]
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Poor Communication and Planning Led to Complaints about Logging on Sunshine Coast says Forest Practices Board

Victoria - Today, the Forest Practices Board released the results of its investigations of two complaints about logging activities in a rural area near Homesite Creek, approximately 20 kilometres from Sechelt. Local residents were opposed to the logging, and the site was the subject of protests when operations began in January 1998. One complaint asserted […]
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Management of McBride Community Forest concerns board

An audit of the McBride Community Forest in the Robson Valley has found several instances of non-compliance with provincial forestry legislation, according to a report released today.
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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