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A Review of the Forest Development Planning Process in British Columbia

The Forest Development Planning Special Project is a broad-based review of the current status of forest development...
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Reducing the Risk of Wildfire – The Time for Action is Now

OPINION-EDITORIAL by Tim Ryan VICTORIA – Sept. 24-30, 2017 marks National Forest Week in Canada. Established around 1920 as Forest Fire Prevention Week, the origins were to encourage greater public awareness towards Canada’s forests. At the time, the greatest threat to forests came from forest fires, mainly due to human causes. Since then, National Forest […]
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Board to audit forest practices on oil and gas sites near Fort Nelson

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of oil and gas companies Apache Canada Ltd. and Devon Canada Corporation near Fort Nelson, from Oct. 4 to Oct. 8, 2010. The audit will assess compliance of forestry operations carried out during oil and gas-related activities, such as construction of well sites, access […]
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Forest Practices Board welcomes new member

VICTORIA – Bruce Fraser, chair of the Forest Practices Board, issued the following statement upon the cabinet appointment of new board member R.A. (Al) Gorley, announced by Forests and Range Minister Pat Bell today: “On behalf of board members and staff at the Forest Practices Board, we are pleased to welcome Al Gorley to our […]
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Tanizul Timber passes audit of community forest licence

VICTORIA – An audit of Community Forest Agreement CFA K4B, near Fort St. James, has found that Tanizul Timber Ltd. met the requirements of provincial forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “The auditors found that Tanizul is meeting the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act on the […]
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New Forest Practices Board Members Announced

VICTORIA – Bruce Fraser, chair of the Forest Practices Board, issued the following statement following appointments to the board announced by Forests and Range Minister Rich Coleman: “We are pleased to welcome Rachel Holt and Debbie Zandbelt to the board. They bring extensive backgrounds in forestry-related issues, and will make a significant contribution to our […]
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Government leadership needed to manage safety risks after forest fires

VICTORIA – The provincial government should clarify responsibility and accountability for evaluating hazards and managing risks to public safety after forest fires, the Forest Practices Board repored today. Once a wildfire is extinguished, most people believe the danger has passed. However, wildfire-related hazards, such as landslides and flooding, can occur months or even years after […]
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Pacific Inland Resources Gets Clean Audit From Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA - Pacific Inland Resources' operations near Smithers complied with the Forest Practices Code in all significant respects, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. "In addition to the clean audit opinion, there are some notable practices in this audit. Pacific Inland Resources kept more vegetation and trees beside small streams and within […]
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Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd. Gets Clean Audit From Forest Practices Board

VICTORIA - Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd. operations in the Okanagan Valley is complying with the Forest Practices Code according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. "Gorman's practices complied with the Code in all significant respects," said Board Chair, Keith Moore. "The company used innovative methods to provide the public with an adequate opportunity […]
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Tolko Industries Gets Clean Audit from the Forest Practices Board

Victoria - Tolko Industries Questwood Division in Quesnel is complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. "Tolko’s practices complied with the Code in all significant respects. In some instances, Tolko left more trees and vegetation next to streams and wetlands than the Code requires, in order to […]
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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