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Forest Practices Board gets three new members

VICTORIA – Bruce Fraser, chair of the Forest Practices Board, issued the following statement upon the cabinet appointment of three new board members announced by Forests and Range Minister Pat Bell today: “On behalf of board members and staff at the Forest Practices Board, we are pleased to welcome Andrea Lyall, Michael Nash and David […]
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Board to audit forest and range operations near Dawson Creek

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forestry and range practices of several forest companies, oil and gas companies and range tenure holders operating in the Kiskatinaw River watershed near Dawson Creek. Initial fieldwork will commence the week of Oct. 6. The board carries out periodic independent audits to see if government, range […]
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Western Forest Products’ good practices noted in audit

VICTORIA – An audit of Western Forest Products Inc.’s (WFP) operations in the Campbell River district found that planning and practices complied with the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, according to a report released today. “The board is pleased that we have two notable practices to report in this audit. One […]
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West Fraser Mills' TFL near Terrace Gets Good Audit

Victoria - West Fraser Mills Ltd.'s forest practices in Tree Farm Licence 41 generally complied with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. Only one instance of significant non-compliance with the code was identified. The tree farm licence is managed by the Skeena Sawmills Division of West Fraser and […]
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Audit of Second Burns Lake Forest Licence Finds Problems

VICTORIA – A report released today concludes that a numbered company owned by the Wet’suwet’en First Nation complied with most, but not all, requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, and failed to comply with Wildfire Act requirements to assess and reduce fire hazards after logging. The audit examined forest planning and practices carried […]
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Red Mountain Resort’s forest practices pass audit

VICTORIA – An audit of forest planning, harvesting and road practices at Red Mountain Ski Resort found that the resort met the requirements of provincial forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “The board provides oversight for all types and sizes of forest licences,” said board chair, Tim Ryan. “In this case, the resort […]
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Four New Members Appointed to the Forest Practices Board

Victoria - Four new members were appointed to the Forest Practices Board by the government on March 10th. Ingrid Davis, Mark Haddock, Liz Osborn and Fred Parker were appointed to the Board for three-year terms. They join existing Board Chair, Keith Moore, and members John Cuthbert, Klaus Offermann and Frances Vyse. "I am very pleased […]
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Forest watchdog to investigate impact of pine beetle salvage

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will investigate the impact of large-scale salvage of mountain pine beetle-killed timber on reforestation objectives, biodiversity, watershed protection and accumulation of forest fuels over the coming months. Fieldwork for the special investigation will begin this week, and the findings are expected to be released in early 2006. “Just as […]
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Audit Gives Good Marks for Streamside Forest Practices

A Kootenay forestry operator has received good marks for protecting streams from the effects of logging, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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Chair of the Forest Practices Board Appointed to Second Term

The Chair of the Forest Practices Board, Keith Moore, was re-appointed by the government on December 18, 1997. Moore is a forester and a former consultant in forest land management and environmental assessment. He is a long time resident of the Queen Charlotte Islands and is the original chair of the Board, which was established […]
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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