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Forest Practices Board requests administrative review of plan

On September 11, 1996 the Forest Practices Board requested an administrative review of the forest development plan for the Brooks Bay development area of MacMillan Bloedel's Port McNeill Division on northwestern Vancouver Island. The development plan includes logging operations and associated roads in five cutblocks scheduled for 1996 and 1997. Three of the cutblocks are […]
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Board to Audit BCTS Operations near 100 Mile House

VICTORIA - The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) program in the 100 Mile House Forest District. The audit will include BCTS's operations, under various licenses, located throughout the 100 Mile House Forest District, which covers over one million hectares. The forest district is […]
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Audit in Northwest BC Finds Mixed Results

The results of an audit of the forestry activities of six licensees, five woodlot tenure operators and the Kispiox Forest District’s small business forest enterprise program and district-manager obligations were released today.
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Board to conduct area-based audit on southern Vancouver Island

VICTORIA -The Forest Practices Board will conduct an area-based audit this spring in the South Island forest district. "In an area-based audit we examine all activities in an area subject to the Forest Practices Code, rather than focusing on a single licensee or government forestry program," said board chair Bill Cafferata. "It gives us a […]
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Board to audit RFP Timber Ltd.

Victoria -The Forest Practices Board will audit forest planning and practices of RFP Timber Ltd. on Forest Licence A20016 about 50 kilometres northwest of Alexis Creek. RFP Timber Ltd. is wholly owned by Riverside Forest Products Ltd. This is a full-scope audit that will look at operational planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities. […]
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Response to Recommendations

Response to Recommendations
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File bcfpb_newsrelease

Board to audit forest service roads in three natural resource districts

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest service roads (FSRs) maintained in the Campbell River, Okanagan-Shuswap and Peace natural resource districts. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, these audits will be carried out in two phases. The first phase will be office work to identify road populations and the second will be the […]
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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