In June 2017, the Board audited forestry operations on forest licence (FL) A18171 held by Winton Global Lumber Ltd. FL A18171 lies within both the Prince George and Fort St. James Natural Resource Districts. This audit only includes those operations that took place within the Fort St. James district over a two-year period starting in […]
Victoria - In a report released today, the Forest Practices Board found that the Ministry of Forests' approval of logging on Mount Elphinstone was reasonable and met Forest Practices Code requirements. The report concludes the investigation of a complaint from two Sunshine Coast residents who were concerned that an approved road and cutblock between Sechelt […]
Victoria - The forestry operations of the Mid Coast district's small business forest enterprise program generally complied with Forest Practices Code requirements, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. The only significant non-compliance involved harvesting along the marine foreshore and road construction next to a fish-bearing stream. The report concludes the board's […]
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.