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Special Report on the Forest and Range Evaluation Program

The Forest Practices Board evaluated FREP’s progress in implementing its effectiveness monitoring role in the FRPA framework, using FREP’s intended program outcomes as the evaluation criteria. This is a report on the Board’s findings.

Board to audit forestry operations in Central Coast

VICTORIA – The board will audit the forest practices of International Forest Products Ltd. Forest Licences A16850 and A82001, starting June 25, 2012. The audit will examine operational planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire preparedness and hazard abatement for compliance with forest practices legislation. The audit area extends north from Cape Caution to Price Island (centred […]

True North, Strong and Green

INFO BULLETIN VICTORIA – Sept. 18-25, 2016, is National Forest Week in Canada – a time to celebrate Canada’s forests and the benefits they provide to Canadians. The theme this year is True North, Strong and Green. There are many reasons why this year’s theme is particularly suited to British Columbia. B.C. is certainly green […]

Range Use Near Midway, BC

The complainant has operated a woodlot on his land near Midway, 60 kilometres east of Osoyoos, for 30 years. For the…