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Report bcfpb_report

How much of British Columbia's forest is not satisfactorily restocked? And what should be done about it?

The term NSR has been used by some to describe all of the forests where there might not be a ‘satisfactory’ number and...
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Forest Practices Board Auditing Western Forest Products’ Tree Farm Licence - TFL 19

Victoria - Today, the Forest Practices Board began an audit of Tree Farm Licence (TFL) 19, held by Western Forest Products Ltd. The tree farm licence is located on the west side of Vancouver Island, between Strathcona Provincial Park and the coast, from south of Gold River to north of Zeballos. The audit will examine […]
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Forest Practices Board Releases Results of Coastal Streams Investigation

Victoria - The Forest Practices Board today released the results of its special investigation into forest planning and practices near streams in coastal areas of British Columbia. The report concludes that forest practices near streams have improved since the Forest Practices Code was created. The disturbance of streams by logging has reduced significantly since the […]
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Tracking forest land status important

An investigation has found that government needs to improve its system for tracking changes in forest land condition in B.C.
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Effectiveness of forestry remediation orders examined

An investigation of remediation orders issued to forest and range operators who have not complied with legislation has determined that these orders are not as effective as they could be. Rules about how to conduct forest or range activities are set out in British Columbia’s Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) and Wildfire Act (WA). If a licensee breaches legislation, government may order remediation.
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Three licences in Kamloops Forest District pass audit

An audit of three non-renewable forest licences in the Kamloops Forest District found they met the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, according to a report released today. The three licences, held by Tk’Emlupsemc Forestry Development Corporation (Tk’Emlups) (A80706), the Ashcroft Indian Band (A81385) and the Neskonlith Indian Band (A83410) operate under the Kamloops Land and Resource Management Plan, which provides direction from government on how to manage public lands and resources within the plan area.
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Board to audit forestry operations at ski resort near Quesnel

VICTORIA – The board will audit the forest practices of Troll Resort Ltd., starting Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2011. Troll Resort, a family-run business since 1971, is located in the Quesnel Forest District, 42 kilometres east of Quesnel, along Highway 26. Troll Resort is an integral part of the Quesnel community, providing summer and winter recreation […]
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Board to audit four Sunshine Coast community forests

VICTORIA – Four community forest licences in the Sunshine Coast Forest District—K3F, held by Sechelt Community Projects Inc.; K3G, held by Powell River Community Forest Ltd.; K4C, held by Klahoose Forestry Limited Partnership; and K3P, held by Tla’Amin Timber Products Ltd.—will be audited starting the week of July 24, 2011. The audits will examine operational […]
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Board to audit three forest licences in the Kamloops Forest District

VICTORIA – Three non-replaceable forest licences—A80706, held by Tk’emlupsemc Forestry Development Corporation, A81385, held by the Ashcroft Indian Band and A83410, held by the Neskonlith Indian Band—will be audited the week of June 20, 2011. The licences are located within the Kamloops Timber Supply Area (TSA), in the Kamloops Forest District. Auditors will examine road […]
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Interfor audit near Grand Forks shows mixed results

An audit of forest licence A18969, held by International Forest Products Limited (Interfor), found adequate forest practices for harvest planning, site preparation, planting and forest regrowth, but noted one unsafe bridge and concerns over winter road construction and road and bridge inspections, according to a report released today.
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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