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Board Audit Will Examine Mountain Pine Beetle Management

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct an audit this September looking specifically at forest activities related to the ongoing mountain pine beetle infestation in north-central BC. Mountain pine beetles attack and kill mature trees by boring through the bark and mining the layer between the bark and wood of a tree. About half […]

Soil conservation practices effective in Golden Timber Supply Area

VICTORIA – A pilot audit has found that forest practices were effective at conserving forest soils in the Golden Timber Supply Area of the Columbia Forest District, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. The audit, which started in July 2006, examined three operators – Wood River Forest Inc. (now called Downie Timber Ltd.), […]

Board to audit recreation management in Central Cariboo

VICTORIA – Management of recreation sites and trails within the Central Cariboo Forest District will be audited by the Forest Practices Board during the week of Aug. 11, 2008. The board carries out periodic independent audits to see if government and forest companies are complying with provincial forest practices legislation. In January 2006, the Ministry […]

Forest development plan public review and bark beetle management

The Board received a complaint from a member of the public concerning an amendment to a licensee’s Five Year Forest Development Plan. The complaint asserted that: a licensee amended its forest development plan for a forest licence without providing adequate time for public review and comment. a licensee was not practicing healthy forest management, in […]

Adequacy of Brushing in the BCTS Chinook Business Area

The Board received a complaint that BC Timber Sales (BCTS) in the Chilliwack area was not doing enough to remove competing vegetation on their recently planted cutblocks. The complainant was concerned that it could result in plantations growing poorly due to competition with brushy vegetation and that BCTS might not meet its legal obligations for […]