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Board Audit Will Examine Practices Around Streams

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct an audit this October looking specifically at forest activities around streams in the Chilliwack Forest District. Forest practices such as road construction, harvesting, road deactivation activities, and mechanical site-preparation treatments can have serious environmental impacts on water quality and fish habitat in streams. Poor forest practices can […]

Two public complaints investigated on Haida Gwaii

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has released the results of two separate investigations into public complaints about forest practices, one near Port Clements on Graham Island and another near Skidegate Lake on Moresby Island. Both investigations found that the licensees’ forest practices met the legal requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the […]

Board to audit government forestry operations in Squamish

VICTORIA -The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the Ministry of Forests small business forest enterprise program in the Squamish forest district this fall. The audit will look at the program’s operations near Harrison Lake, Squamish, Pemberton, Boulder Creek and in Tree Farm Licence 38 on the western edge of […]

Government leadership needed to manage safety risks after forest fires

VICTORIA – The provincial government should clarify responsibility and accountability for evaluating hazards and managing risks to public safety after forest fires, the Forest Practices Board repored today. Once a wildfire is extinguished, most people believe the danger has passed. However, wildfire-related hazards, such as landslides and flooding, can occur months or even years after […]

Four New Members Appointed to the Forest Practices Board

Victoria – Four new members were appointed to the Forest Practices Board by the government on March 10th. Ingrid Davis, Mark Haddock, Liz Osborn and Fred Parker were appointed to the Board for three-year terms. They join existing Board Chair, Keith Moore, and members John Cuthbert, Klaus Offermann and Frances Vyse. “I am very pleased […]

Board to audit forestry operations of Gwa’Nak Resources Ltd.

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Gwa’Nak Resources Ltd. on forest licences A93095, A93096 and A75918, north of Port Hardy along the Belize Inlet, during the week of Aug. 14, 2017. Auditors will examine whether harvesting, roads, bridges, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning, carried out between August 2015 and […]

Board to Audit Western Forest Products Ltd.

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Western Forest Products Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Doman Industries Ltd., along the west coast of BC, from the Queen Charlotte Islands to Jordan River on southern Vancouver Island. The audit will look at Western Forest Products’ operations on Tree […]