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Board to audit tree farm licence near Port Renfrew

PORT RENFREW – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of Pacheedaht Andersen Timber Holdings Limited Partnership (PATH) on tree farm licence (TFL) 61 in the South Island Natural Resource District during the week of May 13, 2019. Auditors will examine whether harvesting, roads, silviculture, fire protection and associated planning carried out by PATH […]

Restoring and Maintaining Rangelands in the East Kootenay

In 2008, a Forest Practices Board complaint investigation found that cattle and elk were over-grazing rangelands in the East Kootenay and the Board recommended that government reduce forage use. A follow-up investigation by the Board in 2015 reported that actions undertaken by government since 2008 had successfully reduced elk populations and grazing allocations for cattle […]

Board tests use of certification audit results

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will try a new approach this month when it audits some of Pope & Talbot’s forest operations in the West Kootenays, incorporating results from an earlier independent forest certification audit in an effort to save time and costs. The audit of Tree Farm Licence 23, operated out of Pope […]

Board to audit Conifex forest licence

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit forest licence A15385, held by Conifex Mackenzie Forest Products Inc., in the Mackenzie Forest District, from Oct. 4 to Oct. 8, 2010. Conifex purchased the licence from AbitibiBowater earlier this year. There has not been any active logging on this licence for the past few years, and there are […]

Government addressing New Skeena obligations on Nisga’a Lands

VICTORIA – The provincial government is making good progress in addressing significant non-compliance by New Skeena Forest Products on Nisga’a lands, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board’s fifth audit of forest planning and practices on Nisga’a lands found that all licensees apart from New Skeena were compliant with Forest Practices Code and Nisga’a […]

Four woodlots near Clearwater pass forestry audit

VICTORIA – An audit of forestry activities on four woodlots near Clearwater, B.C., concludes the woodlot owners complied with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “These woodlots are a mix of Crown and private-owned land and the woodlot owners must comply with the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act […]