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Forest Practices Board annual report details accomplishments

VICTORIA –The Forest Practices Board’s annual report, reviewing the board’s accomplishments and key findings from April 2011 to March 2012, was released today, and it illustrates the Board’s efforts to look at a range of different resource developments affecting public forest land. “Last year we audited some non-typical forestry operations to see if the generally […]

Forestry roads and bridges on south coast examined

An investigation into how well eight forest companies maintain roads and bridges in the Campbell River, South Island and Squamish forest districts showed generally good performance in meeting legal obligations

Some Code Non-Compliance Found In Audit Of Port McNeill Forest District’s Small Business Program

ICTORIA – A Forest Practices Board audit released today finds that the Ministry of Forests Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP) in the Port McNeill Forest District generally complied with Forest Practices Code requirements. Significant non-compliance was identified in timber harvesting, bridge construction and operational planning. “Most of the planning and practices in the Port […]