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Marbled murrelet habitat needed better protection

VICTORIA -A review panel has reversed a Ministry of Forests district manager’s approval of a cutblock in North Jervis Inlet that contains valuable marbled murrelet habitat after an appeal of the decision by the Forest Practices Board. Following a request from the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association in August, the board asked the review panel to […]

Beetle killed timber salvage – is it meeting expectations?

A report on the forest industry’s harvesting of beetle-killed timber confirms that industry has been meeting govt’s expectations for concentrating harvesting on dead pine trees, but says the harvest of other kinds of trees is increasing more than expected in some areas of the province.

Board to audit forest practices on oil and gas sites near Fort Nelson

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of oil and gas companies Apache Canada Ltd. and Devon Canada Corporation near Fort Nelson, from Oct. 4 to Oct. 8, 2010. The audit will assess compliance of forestry operations carried out during oil and gas-related activities, such as construction of well sites, access […]

Wildfire audit of oil and gas sites near Fort St. John

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the fire protection activities of oil and gas operators in the Lower Beatton Landscape Unit, in the Peace district, during the week of Sept. 21, 2015, for compliance with the Wildfire Act. The audit will include whether the operators have completed fire hazard assessments, treated any identified forest fuel […]

Four woodlots near Clearwater pass forestry audit

VICTORIA – An audit of forestry activities on four woodlots near Clearwater, B.C., concludes the woodlot owners complied with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report released today. “These woodlots are a mix of Crown and private-owned land and the woodlot owners must comply with the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act […]

New Chair Appointed To The Forest Practices Board

March 9, 2010 Ministry of Forests and Range VICTORIA – Al Gorley will assume the role of chair of the Forest Practices Board effective May 1, 2010, Forests and Range Minister Pat Bell announced today. “The Forest Practices Board serves as the public’s watchdog on forest practices in British Columbia,” said Bell. “I’m confident that […]