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Appeal decision overturns logging in seabird habitat

VICTORIA – On Nov. 20, the Forest Appeals Commission struck down the Ministry of Forests’ approval of five cutblocks in the Queen Charlotte Islands. The decision keeps alive important options to conserve the old-growth habitat critical for the survival of the marbled murrelet, a threatened species. This area was the primary focus of wildlife inventories […]

Forest Practices Board Chair Named

VICTORIA — Bruce Fraser is the new chair of the Forest Practices Board, Forests Minister Michael de Jong said today. Fraser brings a longstanding commitment to sustainable resource management to the position. A forest ecologist by training, Fraser studied under Vladimir Krajina at the University of British Columbia. He has 17 years of experience as […]

BCTS operations near Houston Pass audit

VICTORIA – An audit of BC Timber Sales and timber sale licensees in the Morice timber supply area portion of the Nadina Resource District found that forest planning, silviculture, fire protection, harvesting and road activities complied with legislation, according to a report released today. “The audit found that BCTS and its timber sale licence holders […]

BC Timber Sales in Arrow Lakes passes audit

VICTORIA – An audit of BC Timber Sales (BCTS) and timber sale licence (TSL) holders in the Arrow Field Unit of the Kootenay Business Area found general compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report. “BCTS complied with requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act; however, auditors found that […]

Closing Letter – BX Creek

This is the Board’s closing letter for a complaint filed by a group of residents of the Silver Star Road area,…

Reducing the Risk of Wildfire – The Time for Action is Now

OPINION-EDITORIAL by Tim Ryan VICTORIA – Sept. 24-30, 2017 marks National Forest Week in Canada. Established around 1920 as Forest Fire Prevention Week, the origins were to encourage greater public awareness towards Canada’s forests. At the time, the greatest threat to forests came from forest fires, mainly due to human causes. Since then, National Forest […]

Forest Practices Board Releases Results of an Audit of Slocan Group – Radium Division

Victoria – Slocan Group – Radium Division is complying with the Forest Practices Code, with the exception of one road construction practice that involves a small area of Slocan’s operations, according to a Forest Practices Board audit that was released today. The one issue identified by the audit occurred where excessive amounts of rock and […]

Board finds good performance in North Coast Audit

VICTORIA – Triumph Timber Ltd. received a clean audit for operations in the North Coast Forest District, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board audited Triumph’s activities near Prince Rupert, in seven separate areas between Chambers Creek and Princess Royal Island, and found the licensee was in compliance with legislative requirements for planning, harvesting, […]