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Logging and Visual Quality near Lillooet

The Board investigated a complaint from a community group about the potential visual impacts of a licensee’s planned logging near Lillooet.  This area has visual quality objectives (VQOs), and the licensee’s forest stewardship plan contained results and strategies to meet these objectives.  The complainant was concerned that planned logging would not meet the VQOs, and […]

Issue #21 – Summer 2019

These are turbulent times in forest management in BC. Internal factors, such as declining timber supply, and external factors, such as the softwood lumber agreement and commodity prices, are creating stresses for both the forest sector and communities that have not been seen since the 2009 recession. At the time of this newsletter, we are […]

Forest Practices Board’s submission – TOGETHER FOR WILDLIFE

A Proposed Pathway for Improving Wildlife Management and Habitat Conservation in British Columbia The Forest Practices Board is pleased to provide a submission to Together for Wildlife. At the outset, we wish to recognize the importance of having a long-term vision and plan for stewardship of BC’s wildlife resources, and the importance of this initiative. […]

Slocan Division Gets Clean Audit from the Forest Practices Board

Victoria – Slocan Forest Products’ operations in the Slocan Valley are complying with the Forest Practices Code, according to a Forest Practices Board audit released today. “Slocan’s practices complied with the Code in all significant respects. There is a high degree of compliance in an operating area with eleven community watersheds and steep terrain,” said […]

Closing Letter: Bamfield Visual Quality Objectives

The Forest Practices Board received a complaint that asserted harvesting by Huu-ay-aht Forestry Limited Partnership near Bamfield was not consistent with the visual quality objective for the area and furthermore, that government enforcement was not appropriate. The complaint was resolved.