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BC Timber Sales Program in Hazelton Commended

VICTORIA – An audit of the BC Timber Sales program and timber sale licensees near Hazelton found most planning and forestry activities complied with forest practices legislation. Sixteen timber sale licensees and BCTS all fared well in the audit, however, one timber sale licence holder caused significant amounts of soil disturbance on two cutblocks. “The […]

Forest Practices Board releases silviculture audit

The Forest Practices Board today released the report for its audit of the silviculture practices on Forest Licence A20021 held by West Fraser Mills Ltd. The licence is located northeast of Williams Lake around Quesnel Lake and Horsefly Lake in the Horsefly Forest District. The audit examined the silviculture practices of West Fraser Mills Ltd. […]

Board to audit Tembec Industries Ltd.

Victoria -The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Tembec Industries Ltd. (formerly Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd.) near Creston this summer. The audit will look at Tembec’s operations on Forest Licence A20212 in the Kootenay Lake forest district along Highway 3 east of Creston. This is a full-scope audit that will […]

Audit of Timber Harvesting and Road Construction, Maintenance, and Deactivation: FL A19207 – Prettys’ Timber Co. Ltd.

VICTORIA – Prettys’ Timber’s operations in the Chilliwack Forest District complied with most requirements of the Forest Practices Code, according to a report released by the Forest Practices Board today. The exceptions are some forest practices near streams and practices to manage risks from timber blow down. “Prettys’ timber harvesting operations generally complied with the […]

Salvage logging of dead pine creating large openings in central B.C.

VICTORIA – A study released today says that government needs to ensure areas are set aside for biodiversity and wildlife before salvage logging of mountain pine beetle timber clears the forests close to roads and communities in the central interior of B.C. “At least seven very large openings have emerged on the landscape through a series […]

Board to audit forestry activities near Squamish River

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of SN Forestry Operations Ltd. on forestry licence to cut A82551, during the week of May 30, 2016. The auditors will examine operational planning, harvesting, roads, bridges, silviculture and wildfire protection practices for compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act. […]

Board to audit RFP Timber Ltd.

Victoria -The Forest Practices Board will audit forest planning and practices of RFP Timber Ltd. on Forest Licence A20016 about 50 kilometres northwest of Alexis Creek. RFP Timber Ltd. is wholly owned by Riverside Forest Products Ltd. This is a full-scope audit that will look at operational planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities. […]

BCTS operations near Terrace, Prince Rupert pass audit

An audit of BC Timber Sales and timber sale licensees in the Coast Mountain Resource District found that forest planning, silviculture, fire protection, harvesting and road activities complied with forest practices legislation.