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Board to Audit five woodlots in Quesnel Forest District

VICTORIA – Two Forest Practices Board auditors will visit five woodlots in the Quesnel Forest District from June 15 to 19, spending one day on each woodlot. The board carries out periodic independent audits to see if government and forest companies are complying with provincial forest practices legislation. The audit will examine each woodlot holder’s […]

Board to Conduct Final Audit on Nisga’a Lands

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct its fifth and final annual audit of forest planning and practices, as well as its third and final audit of government enforcement of forestry legislation on Nisga’a lands, beginning Sept. 12, 2005. The Nisga’a lands cover about 2,000 square kilometres in the Nass River Valley, about 90 […]

Fort St. James Community Forest Audit Finds Issues

VICTORIA – An audit of Community Forest Agreement CFA K1D has found that, while the Fort St. James Community Forest Corporation met many of the requirements of provincial forestry legislation, it also had some problems with operational planning, culvert construction, bridge construction and fire hazard assessments, according to a report released today. “While the auditors […]