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Five woodlots in southern Interior get clean audits

VICTORIA – Planning and field activities undertaken in five woodlots in the Arrow Boundary Forest District in southern British Columbia were found to be compliant during an audit of their operations. The audits of woodlot licences W0408, W0475, W0479, W1470 and W1832 were conducted in June 2007. The audits assessed for compliance with the Forest Practices […]

Board conducts first audits under Nisga’a Treaty

Victoria -The Forest Practices Board will conduct its first set of audits of compliance and enforcement on Nisga’a lands this summer. The Nisga’a lands cover about 2,000 square kilometres in the Nass River Valley on both sides of the river about 90 kilometres north of Terrace. The operating areas for the auditees are in various […]

Board to audit community forest near Mackenzie

MACKENZIE – The Forest Practices Board will be examining the activities of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest Limited Partnership (the partnership), located in the Mackenzie Natural Resource District, starting Sept. 10, 2018. The auditors will examine whether all operational planning, harvesting, roads and bridges, silviculture, and wildfire protection and associated planning carried out between Sept. 1, […]

Beetle killed timber salvage – is it meeting expectations?

A report on the forest industry’s harvesting of beetle-killed timber confirms that industry has been meeting govt’s expectations for concentrating harvesting on dead pine trees, but says the harvest of other kinds of trees is increasing more than expected in some areas of the province.