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Laird Creek Landslide

This investigation looked at a landslide into Laird Creek that caused damage to the water supply of about 100 homes…

Range Use Near Midway, BC

The complainant has operated a woodlot on his land near Midway, 60 kilometres east of Osoyoos, for 30 years. For the…

Board to audit two non-replaceable forest licences in Cariboo-Chilcotin

VICTORIA– Two non-replaceable forest licences, A56805, held by Yun Ka Whu’ten Holdings Ltd., and A73558, held by Sigurdson Bros. Logging Company Ltd., will be audited the week of Oct. 9, 2007. The Yun Ka Whu’ten Holdings operations are located in the vicinity of Anahim Lake, which is about 200 kilometres west of Alexis Creek and […]

Grazing cattle harm water bodies

A Forest Practices Board study of the impacts of cattle grazing near lakes, streams and wetlands in B.C. has found some range practices that could harm fish habitat, wildlife habitat and water quality.

Forest Practices Board annual report details accomplishments

VICTORIA –The Forest Practices Board’s annual report, reviewing the board’s accomplishments and key findings from April 2011 to March 2012, was released today, and it illustrates the Board’s efforts to look at a range of different resource developments affecting public forest land. “Last year we audited some non-typical forestry operations to see if the generally […]

Tolko operations near Merritt pass audit

VICTORIA – An audit of Tolko Industries Ltd.’s forest practices on forest licences A18696, A18697 and A74911 in the Cascades Natural Resource District has found general compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation. “Most practices were well done, but fire hazard assessments were either incomplete or were not completed within the required time period,” said Kevin Kriese, […]

Board to audit two community forests near Fort St. James

VICTORIA – The board will audit the forest practices of Fort St. James Community Forest Corporation on Community Forest Agreement (CFA) K1D and Tanizul Timber Ltd. on CFA K4B, as well as the silviculture obligations of tree farm licence 42, during the week of Aug. 17, 2015. The auditors will examine all operational planning, harvesting, roads, […]