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Forest and Range Practices near 100 Mile House Audited

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit four Range Act agreements and a First Nations woodland licence in the 100 Mile House resource district during the weeks of Sept. 29 and Oct. 6, 2014. Auditors will look at three grazing licences and one hay-cutting licence for compliance with the Forest and Range Practices Act […]
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Penalty Determinations under Forest and Range Practices Legislation

Forest and range practices on provincial land in BC are regulated by the Forest and Range Practices Act and...
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Mitigation of Forestry Impacts to Natural Range Barriers

This special investigation examined how well forest licensees plan and mitigate forestry impacts to timbered natural...
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Special Investigation: Conserving Fish Habitat under FRPA – Part 2: An Evaluation of Forest and Range Practices on the Ground

In its two-part project on conserving fish habitat under FRPA, the Board describes how the effective protection of fish habitat on the forest and range landbase is dependant on detailed planning of forestry and range activities, ensuring that practices on the ground protect fish habitat and that comprehensive monitoring is in place to continually improve […]
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Forest development plan public review and bark beetle management

The Board received a complaint from a member of the public concerning an amendment to a licensee's Five Year Forest Development Plan. The complaint asserted that: a licensee amended its forest development plan for a forest licence without providing adequate time for public review and comment. a licensee was not practicing healthy forest management, in […]
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Board to audit range activities on public lands

Victoria -The Forest Practices Board will conduct its first audit of range activities this summer in the Horsefly forest district, near Quesnel. The audit will look at compliance with the Forest Practices Code, as well as the appropriateness of government’s enforcement of the code for ranching and haycutting on Crown lands. Under a separate project, […]
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A Review of the Early Forest Stewardship Plans Under FRPA

The former planning-based regulatory regime for forest and range practices in British Columbia is being replaced by a...
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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