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Forestry Audit: BCTS and Timber Sale Licence Holders Kootenay Business Area, Rocky Mountain District

This audit examined the activities of the BC Timber Sales (BCTS) program and the timber sale licence (TSL) holders in...
Report bcfpb_report

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: MaMook Natural Resources Limited - TFL 54

As part of the Forest Practices Board's 2011 compliance audit program, the Board randomly selected the South Island...
Report bcfpb_report

BC Timber Sales and Timber Sale Licence Holders - Strait of Georgia Business Area, Campbell River District

The findings of this audit are unique and do not represent the standard of forest practices usually identified through...
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Aspen Logging - Grazing Conflict in the Dawson Creek TSA

In April 2011, a retired agrologist from Dawson Creek filed a complaint concerning the harvesting of mature aspen...
Report bcfpb_report

Davidson Creek Access Management

In September 2010, Batnuni Lake Guides and Outfitters (the complainant) submitted a complaint to the Forest Practices...
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BC Timber Sales - Prince George Business Area, Mackenzie District: Forestry Audit

This audit examined the activities of the BC Timber Sales Program (BCTS) in the Mackenzie District. Numerous natural...
File bcfpb_newsrelease

Forest Practices Board Report Highlights Importance of Public Involvement in Forest Planning

VICTORIA - Today, the Forest Practices Board reported that the Arrow Forest District complied with the Forest Practices Code when it refused to extend the public review period for several 1996-2000 forest development plans in the Slocan Valley. However, the Board also found that the refusal to extend the time allowed for public review was […]
Report bcfpb_report

Troll Resort Ltd OLTCs L43043 and L48493: Audit of Planning and Practices

As part of the Forest Practices Board's 2011 compliance audit program, the Board randomly selected the Quesnel District...
File bcfpb_newsrelease

Salvage logging only one factor affecting Cariboo ranch

An investigation into a complaint from a rancher in the Cariboo-Chilcotin about the effects of mountain pine beetle and salvage logging on water flows has not found any precise answers, but identifies salvage logging as one of a number of contributing factors. This case underscores the need for greater knowledge about the effect of forest disturbance on watersheds.
File bcfpb_newsrelease

Fire prevention efforts of forestry operations examined

An investigation of fire preparedness of forestry licensees has found that major companies are complying with the Wildfire Act, but some smaller operators are taking significant risks.
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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