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Audit near Dawson Creek finds soil, water protected

VICTORIA – An audit of cattle grazing, forest harvesting and road construction and maintenance practices on Crown land in the Kiskatinaw River watershed found that legal requirements to conserve soils and protect water quality were met, according to a report released today. The audit examined forestry, oil and gas, and range operations in the Kiskatinaw […]
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Forest Practices Board Releases Annual Report for 2006-07 fiscal year

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board’s 2006/2007 annual report was released today. The annual report details the board’s key findings during the past fiscal year, and provides a picture of the diversity of forest and range issues examined by the board on a yearly basis. The board’s primary role is to assess how well forest […]
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Lack of coordination puts deer habitat at risk

VICTORIA – Poor communication among government agencies led to approval of logging plans that put mule deer winter habitat at risk, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board investigated a complaint by a group of property-owners at Anderson Lake, between Pemberton and Lillooet. The complainants were concerned that logging on Crown land south of […]
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FRPA gets Report Card after 10 Years

The ten-year-old Forest and Range Practices Act, aimed at reducing cost and complexity for industry while maintaining high environmental standards, has been partly implemented and is working in most situations. However, some aspects of implementation are not complete or are not working as well as expected and improvement is needed, according to a Forest Practices Board report.
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Sinclair Mountain cabin contravenes forestry legislation

An all-terrain vehicle (ATV) trail and cabin on Sinclair Mountain, near Smithers, contravene forest practices legislation, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board also found the Ministry of Forests and Range did not enforce the legislation appropriately.
File bcfpb_newsrelease

Grazing cattle harm water bodies

A Forest Practices Board study of the impacts of cattle grazing near lakes, streams and wetlands in B.C. has found some range practices that could harm fish habitat, wildlife habitat and water quality.
Report bcfpb_report

Monitoring Licensees' Compliance with Legislation

Planning and practice requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) and the Wildfire Act (WA) are the...
File bcfpb_newsletter

Issue #14 - Winter 2015/16

Over its 20 years, the Forest Practices Board has published some 500 audits, investigations and special reports; a few of which, for one reason or another, have ended up being controversial. This past summer, the Forest Stewardship Plans Need Improvement special investigation (FSP) was one of those few reports. It garnered accolades from some for […]
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008 - Volume 8 - Information Bulletin

008 - Volume 8 - Information Bulletin
1 27 28 29 30 31 115
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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