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File bcfpb_newsrelease

2016/17 Annual Report Released

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board released its 2016/17 annual report today, which summarizes the board’s work over the past year and highlights current projects underway. “We produce this annual report to show what the board sees in forest practices and forest management performance, what the board is finding in our work, and to give […]
Report bcfpb_report

Forest Planning and Practices at East Creek

Sierra Club BC submitted a complaint about logging practices in the East Creek Valley. This valley is just north of Mquqwin / Brooks Peninsula Provincial Park on northwest Vancouver Island. Sierra Club BC (the complainant) was concerned with a wide range of issues related to forest planning and practices.
Report bcfpb_report

Management of Douglas-fir Bark Beetles Southeast of Kamloops, BC

An experienced forest worker was concerned that Tolko had not removed all the trees it felled to trap Douglas-fir bark beetle before the insects emerged and that some of its harvest practices increased the infestation level in ungulate winter range in the Upper Salmon River area. Douglas-fir bark beetle is normally present at low levels […]
File bcfpb_newsletter

Issue #12 - Winter 2014/15

In some way, we are all owners of British Columbia, whether as government, citizens, First Nations, communities, businesses, or licensees. As an owner or a steward, you take care of your assets; you maintain them; you conserve them, you protect them; you grow them; you insure them, you measure them, you utilize them; you enjoy […]
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Issue #13 - Summer 2015

The Forest Practices Board is celebrating 20 years of service to the public and government of BC as the independent oversight of BC’s forest and range practices. The Board’s body of work is substantive and has contributed to better and more consistent practices, compliance and regulatory performance. Independent oversight is good public policy—it builds accountability, […]
File bcfpb_newsrelease

Good audit results for two Okanagan community watersheds

VICTORIA – Results of an audit focused on forestry practices in two community watersheds, one near Penticton and one near Kelowna, were released today by the Forest Practices Board. Auditors examined harvesting, road construction and maintenance, silviculture, protection, and associated planning carried out by Weyerhaeuser in the Penticton Creek community watershed, and by Tolko Industries […]
File bcfpb_newsrelease

Board to audit PIR forestry operations in Bulkley TSA

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of West Fraser Mills Ltd, Pacific Inland Resources Division, Forest Licence A16830, from July 5 to 10. The forest licence is in the Bulkley Timber Supply Area, which is in the Skeena Stikine Forest District. Auditors will examine planning, harvesting, roads, silviculture and fire protection activities for […]
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Co-operation Key to Survival of Coastal Forest Ecosystem

VICTORIA – An investigation report released today upholds a public complaint about proposed logging in a rare forest type near Nanoose Bay on Vancouver Island. Local residents filed a complaint with the board when they discovered about one-third of the 64-hectare parcel of coastal Douglas-fir forest, known as DL 33, was slated to be logged, […]
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B.C. Strategy for Threatened Seabird Unknown

VICTORIA – Despite repeated Forest Practices Board recommendations to act, the Province has not developed a strategy for conserving marbled murrelet habitat, leaving forest professionals and industry with weak direction on what is necessary to ensure the survival of the threatened seabird, says a new board report. The report, Conservation of Species at Risk under […]
Report bcfpb_report

Audit of Forest Planning and Practices: Selkirk Natural Resource District - Woodlot Licence W1644

As part of its 2015 compliance audit program, the Forest Practices Board selected woodlot W1644, held by Rojo Logging Limited, in the Selkirk District, for audit. The woodlot’s operations are located east of Creston, along Highway 3. The audit found that planning and practices generally complied with the Forest and Range Practices Act and the […]
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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