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Investigation finds harvesting at Wilson Creek appropriate

VICTORIA – An investigation of a public complaint on the Sunshine Coast has found that the Sunshine Coast Community Forest took the appropriate steps when planning and harvesting a cutblock near Wilson Creek. “The issue of sediment in water and impacts on fish habitat is a serious one. This investigation highlights the reasonable steps a forestry licensee […]
Report bcfpb_report

Water Quality in the East Blackpool Watersheds

Residents in the East Blackpool area near Clearwater were concerned that forestry activities above their properties...
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Salvage logging near Quesnel has negative impacts on species at risk

VICTORIA – An investigation of a complaint by two trappers has concluded that the population of fisher — a fur-bearing mammal that is a species at risk in B.C. — is at a high risk of decline or local elimination in the Nazko region, west of Quesnel. The Nazko area experienced widespread tree mortality from mountain […]
Report bcfpb_report

Skaiakos Point Road construction and logging of old-growth trees near a proposed hiking trail by Sechelt Inlet

On June 22, 1999, the Board received a complaint about the construction of a logging road and cutblock on the northeast...
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New Members Appointed to the Board

VICTORIA – Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, Doug Donaldson, has announced the appointment of three new members to the Forest Practices Board. The Board is pleased to welcome members Tara Marsden and Rick Monchak and new vice-chair, Bruce Larson. Bruce is a professor and FRBC Chair of Silviculture in the […]
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Plant Communities at Risk from Logging

VICTORIA – An investigation of a complaint about logging near Mt. Elphinstone Park has found that BC Timber Sales met all of its obligations in developing the cutblocks, but concludes that some at-risk plant communities are not adequately protected by current legislation or policy. The complaint was submitted by Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF), an environmental […]
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Reducing the Risk of Wildfire – The Time for Action is Now

OPINION-EDITORIAL by Tim Ryan VICTORIA – Sept. 24-30, 2017 marks National Forest Week in Canada. Established around 1920 as Forest Fire Prevention Week, the origins were to encourage greater public awareness towards Canada’s forests. At the time, the greatest threat to forests came from forest fires, mainly due to human causes. Since then, National Forest […]
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FPB auditor recognized by ECO Canada national award

CALGARY – Christopher R. Mosher, CPA, CA, EP(CEA), Director of Audits and Chief Financial Officer for the Forest Practices Board, is the recipient of the inaugural 2017 ECO Impact Award in the Auditor Impact category. Chris was nominated for his work developing the Board’s field-based compliance audit program. “This award is really a recognition of […]
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Audit Season Has Arrived!

AUDIT SEASON HAS ARRIVED! The random selections have been made (congratulations to those chosen) and Forest Practices Board staff are busy planning the audits of forest practices we will undertake this year. Ten natural resource districts across the province have been randomly selected for audit and the individual licence holders that will be audited within […]
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Audit of Prince George forestry operations finds compliance issues

VICTORIA – An audit of the BC Timber Sales program and 26 timber sale licensees in the Prince George District found that the forestry activities of BCTS and 24 licensees complied with forest practices legislation, but two licensees had non-compliance issues, according to a report released today. Auditors found that one licence holder installed an […]
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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