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Board to Conduct Final Audit on Nisga'a Lands

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct its fifth and final annual audit of forest planning and practices, as well as its third and final audit of government enforcement of forestry legislation on Nisga’a lands, beginning Sept. 12, 2005. The Nisga’a lands cover about 2,000 square kilometres in the Nass River Valley, about 90 […]
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Endangered Plants at Risk from Logging

No further logging approvals should be awarded in the coastal Douglas fir ecosystem on Southeast Vancouver Island until site assessments for endangered plants are completed, the Forest Practices Board recommended today.
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Board to Audit BCTS in the Lakes Timber Supply Area

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) program in the Nadina Forest District. The audit will examine BCTS’s operations in the Lakes timber supply area (TSA), located in North Central BC, which covers 1.12 million hectares. The TSA includes the communities of […]
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BCTS Winlaw Creek Harvesting Found Appropriate

Timber harvesting in the Winlaw Creek watershed was appropriate and there is no evidence that it damaged the watershed, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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Elk Creek Harvesting Found Reasonable

Ministry approval of logging in Elk Creek, east of Chilliwack, was reasonable under the circumstances and the forest company exceeded the requirements of forest practices legislation for protecting rare species, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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Good Marks for Bridge Maintenance on Forestry Roads

A new special investigation gives good marks to the Ministry of Forests in maintaining bridges on forest service roads, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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BC Timber Sales Program Gets Clean Audit in 100 Mile House

The British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) program has received a clean audit for its operations in 100 Mile House Forest District, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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Timely action needed to fulfill Nisga’a forestry commitments

The provincial government needs to act promptly to ensure its forestry obligations under the Nisga’a treaty are fulfilled, the Forest Practices Board reported today in its fourth compliance audit of forestry operations on Nisga’a lands.
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Policy Review Required to Protect Marbled Murrelets

A review of government policy on protecting wildlife habitat and more collaboration between government and industry are needed to protect the threatened marbled murrelet, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
File bcfpb_newsrelease

Forest Practices Board releases final report on Cariboo Complaint Investigation

The Forest Practices Board has released a final report concluding the investigation of a complaint about forest development plans in the Cariboo Forest Region. The Board did not reach any conclusions about whether the complaint was substantiated or not. Nor did it find any fault or assign any blame to any organization or individual. The […]
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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