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Report bcfpb_report

What to expect during a Board compliance audit - RANGE

The Forest Practices Board (Board) is British Columbia’s independent forest and range watchdog. On behalf of the public, it monitors and reports on forest and range practices on public land. One of the main ways it does this is through field-based compliance audits of forest and range licensees. The purpose of this guide is to […]
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Response to Recommendations

Response to Recommendations
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File bcfpb_newsrelease

Forest Practices Board requests administrative review of plan

On September 11, 1996 the Forest Practices Board requested an administrative review of the forest development plan for the Brooks Bay development area of MacMillan Bloedel's Port McNeill Division on northwestern Vancouver Island. The development plan includes logging operations and associated roads in five cutblocks scheduled for 1996 and 1997. Three of the cutblocks are […]
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File bcfpb_newsrelease

Range Agreements Pass Audit

NEWS RELEASE - The holders of two range agreements for grazing cattle in the Thompson Rivers Natural Resource District generally met the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, according to a report released today
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Comprehensive plan needed to save sensitive coastal plant communities

VICTORIA– The Forest Practices Board is recommending that the provincial government promptly finalize and implement an overall stewardship strategy for the coastal Douglas fir ecosystem (CDF) on Southeast Vancouver Island. The recommendation was made in a newly released board report, Woodlot Harvesting and Red-listed Plant Communities in the Coastal Douglas-fir Ecosystem of Vancouver Island.  The […]
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File bcfpb_newsrelease

New forest stewardship plans need more details, improved accountability

VICTORIA – The first forest stewardship plans (FSPs) under new results-based forestry legislation lack clear results, and make it difficult for the public and government to hold forest companies accountable, according to a Forest Practices Board special report released today. The board reviewed 15 of the first FSPs submitted by forest companies under the Forest […]
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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