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Board Audit Will Examine Streamside Practices in Kootenay Forest District

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct an audit this month looking at forest activities around streams located in Wyndell Box and Lumber Ltd.’s operating areas in the Kootenay Forest District. In some cases, forest practices, such as harvesting and road and stream crossing construction can have serious environmental impacts on water quality and […]
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Clear government direction needed to protect Marbled Murrelet

Clear government direction and removing constraints on habitat protection are key priorities for preserving the threatened marbled murrelet on B.C.’s south coast, according to a Forest Practices Board special report released today.
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Board to Perform Visual Theme Audit near Campbell River

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct a pilot visual theme audit of a variety of forest tenures within the Campbell River Forest District. The audit area consists of the Crown land portion of the Campbell River Forest District north of Strathcona Park and east of the Nimpkish River. The forest tenures of five […]
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Board to audit Canfor operations near Chetwynd

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of the Chetwynd division of Canadian Forest Products Ltd (Canfor) on forest licence A18151, covering five specific areas located in the Peace Forest District near Chetwynd. The forest licence includes five distinct geographic units: one directly north of Chetwynd; one south east of Hudson’s Hope; one […]
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Forest practices improving but better government planning needed

VICTORIA– The province’s independent forest practices watchdog says on-the-ground forest practices continue to improve in B.C.’s public forests, but government still needs to provide direction to forest companies to ensure the protection of threatened wildlife habitat. In its 2002 annual report, the Forest Practices Board also comments on changes to forest legislation, the board’s continued […]
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Audit Reports Commendable Forest Practices by Pope and Talbot Ltd.

An audit report released today concludes that Pope and Talbot’s forest planning and practices on Tree Farm Licence 23 in the West Kootenay complied with the Forest Practices Code.
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Faster action, incentives needed to protect marbled murrelet habitat

A Forest Practices Board special report released today says potential habitat for threatened species is being lost to forest development while the process for defining habitat areas drags on.
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Good outcome to Fort Nelson area audit, but some concerns noted

VICTORIA - Good overall results are reported in a series of Forest Practices Board audits released today, which cover all forestry activities in a section of the Fort Nelson forest district, the first such comprehensive review. However, the board has some concerns about regeneration of trees after logging, potential erosion and stream damage from pipeline […]
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Plans for Logging on Skaiakos Point Complied with Forest Practices Code

The Kamloops forest district's small business forest enterprise program complied with Forest Practices Code requirements in all significant respects, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board.
Report bcfpb_report

Logging Near Habitat for Mountain Goats and Spotted Owl in the Chilliwack River Valley

This report is about a complaint from three residents of the Chilliwack River Valley who were concerned about logging...
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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