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Who is the Board? Who appoints the members?

The Board is made up of six people—a full-time Chair and five part-time members. Board members are appointed by Cabinet, based on their background and experience in forestry related areas. In addition, the Board has 17 full-time staff members, representing a range of professional backgrounds in forestry, biology, law, and geoscience. The Board is not […]
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Approval of a Cutblock near Fort Nelson without Public Review

A resident of the Fort Nelson area complained to the Forest Practices Board that the public did not have the...
Report bcfpb_report

Small Business Forest Enterprise Program FDP for Southeast Vancouver Island

The Carmanah Forestry Society submitted a complaint to the Forest Practices Board on February 27, 2001, about the 2000-...
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Integrating Non-Timber Forest Products into Forest Planning and Practices in British Columbia

Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are an important forest resource in British Columbia, with the potential to make a...
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Compliance and Enforcement Audits of Forest Planning and Practices in British Columbia, 1996-2001

In 1995, in response to the public's desire for legislation to ensure sound forest practices, the province created the...
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Adequacy of a Public Review Period near McBride

The district manager of the Robson Valley Forest District authorized a shortened review and comment period for an...
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Concern About a Logging Road Extension and Wildlife Habitat near Kinbasket Reservoir

In September 2000, the Golden branch of the East Kootenay Environmental Society complained to the Forest Practices...
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Potential Impacts of Logging on Water, Fisheries and Wildlife Habitat in the Lussier River Watershed

In May 2000, the Concerned Residents of Sheep Creek complained to the Board that logging had damaged the Lussier River...
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Mountain Pine Beetle Salvage and Road Access Through a Proposed Protected Area

On August 11, 1999, the Omineca Community Forest Association complained to the Forest Practices Board with concerns...
Report bcfpb_report

Area-Based Audit of Forest Planning and Practices, and Enforcement of the Forest Practices Code in a Portion of the Merritt Forest District

This is the Board’s report on the area-based audit of licensee compliance with, and government’s enforcement of, the...
1 92 93 94 95 96 115
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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