The past summer brought a barrage of stark reminders of the impact climate change is having on our society and our ecosystems. The heat dome at the beginning of the summer was of a magnitude and impact that forces us all to rethink our understanding of the severity of the new climate extremes. And while […]
Elphinstone Logging Focus (the complainant), an environmental group based on the Sunshine Coast, asserted that several good candidates for wildlife trees in Timber Sale Licence (TSL) A93884 were cut down, while others retained as wildlife trees were of poorer quality. The complainant believes that this practice will result in diminishing biodiversity. The complainant would like […]
Communication is the key procedure for completing work during the pandemic. The lead auditor or investigator will discuss safety measures with the parties involved in the audit or the complaint. There are many different options to complete work and keep everyone safe. Forest Practices Board staff will follow licensee/district safety procedures in place for any […]
Summary of Forest Practices Board Policies for Audits and Complaint Investigations during COVID-19 & Duties Communication is the key procedure for completing work during the pandemic. The lead auditor or investigator will discuss safety measures with the parties involved in the audit or the complaint. There are many different options to complete work and keep […]
In June 2019, the Board audited BC Timber Sales' (BCTS) forestry operations in the Quesnel Natural Resource District portion of BC Timber Sales' (BCTS) Cariboo - Chilcotin Business Area. The audit was a full scope compliance audit that included those operations that took place over a one-year period starting in June 2018. During this period […]
As part of its 2019 compliance audit program, the Board randomly selected forest licence A30171, held by Cooper Creek Cedar Ltd. in the Selkirk Natural Resource District for audit. This was a full scope compliance audit of activities carried out between September 1, 2017, and September 26, 2019. Cooper Creek complied with most of the […]
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.