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Windthrow Management on Vancouver Island Recognized in Audit

VICTORIA – Western Forest Products Inc. received a clean audit for operations in Tree Farm Licence 6 on northern Vancouver Island, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board audited Western’s timber harvesting and associated planning activities for 159 cutblocks on the northern portion of Vancouver Island, and found Western was in compliance with legislative […]

Board to audit Stella-Jones’s forestry operations

VICTORIA — The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest practices of Stella-Jones Canada Inc. on Forest Licence A20196 starting August 7, 2012. The audit will look at harvesting, silviculture, protection, road construction, road maintenance and deactivation, and operational planning that took place in the past two years for compliance with forest practices legislation. The […]

Sunshine Coast forest plan drops community values

VICTORIA –A new forest stewardship plan in the Stillwater lands on the Sunshine Coast no longer addresses the full range of values that were determined through public input and involvement, according to a newly released Forest Practices Board report. “Given the effort that members of the public put into the Stillwater Pilot Project, they reasonably […]