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Beetle epidemic increases frequency, severity of peak stream flows

VICTORIA – Government and industry should implement preventative measures to counter the more frequent extreme peak flows in streams as a result of the mountain pine beetle epidemic, according to a Forest Practices Board special investigation released today. The investigation used the Baker Creek watershed as a test case. Baker Creek, west of Quesnel, is […]

100 Mile House community forest gets good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of community forest CFA K2W, in the 100 Mile House Natural Resource District, has found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation. The community forest is managed by the 100 Mile Development Corporation. “We are pleased to see that the community forest carried out sound forest practices and fully met the requirements of […]

Recent audits reveal Wildfire Act Issues

VICTORIA – A review of forest and range practice audits from 2013 and 2014 finds about half the audits had no issues and half had non-compliance with legislation or areas requiring improvement, according to a report released today. Of the problems found, one-third involved problems with wildfire prevention. “We published 23 audit reports and 12 […]

Wildfire threatens homes and properties throughout B.C.

VICTORIA – In a report released today, B.C.’s Forest Practices Board warns that little progress has been made in protecting urban interface areas from catastrophic wildfire and we are all responsible. In 2010, the board issued a report and recommendations to government and communities to address the risks of wildfire in urban interface areas. This […]

Investigation finds harvesting at Wilson Creek appropriate

VICTORIA – An investigation of a public complaint on the Sunshine Coast has found that the Sunshine Coast Community Forest took the appropriate steps when planning and harvesting a cutblock near Wilson Creek. “The issue of sediment in water and impacts on fish habitat is a serious one. This investigation highlights the reasonable steps a forestry licensee […]

Forest Practices Board releases its first coastal audit

The Forest Practices Board today released the report for its first audit on the coast – an audit of the road and timber harvesting practices on Tree Farm Licence 45 held by International Forest Products Ltd. The licence is located in the coastal mainland area north of Campbell River. The audit examined the road and […]

McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest receives good audit

VICTORIA – An audit of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie community forest in the Mackenzie Natural Resource District has found compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation. The community forest is jointly managed by the District of Mackenzie and the McLeod Lake Indian Band. “We are pleased to see that the community forest carried out sound forest practices and […]