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Firefighting Readiness only Concern in Sunshine Coast Audit

Victoria -The Sunshine Coast forest district’s small business forest enterprise program generally complied with Forest Practices Code requirements, with the exception of fire-protection planning and preparedness, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. The report concludes the board’s audit of the government-run program under which the Ministry of Forests awards timber sale […]

Forest practices improving but better government planning needed

VICTORIA– The province’s independent forest practices watchdog says on-the-ground forest practices continue to improve in B.C.’s public forests, but government still needs to provide direction to forest companies to ensure the protection of threatened wildlife habitat. In its 2002 annual report, the Forest Practices Board also comments on changes to forest legislation, the board’s continued […]

First Enforcement Audit Begins

Victoria -The Forest Practices Board began its first audit of the appropriateness of government enforcement of the Forest Practices Code today. The audit is examining enforcement activities within the Vernon Forest District. Three government ministries are responsible for code enforcement-Forests; Environment, Lands and Parks; and Energy and Mines. The audit looks at the ministries’ compliance […]

Audit of range practices finds issues

VICTORIA – An audit of two range agreements for grazing cattle in the Thompson River Natural Resource District found that the rancher met most requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, but the presence of cattle feces in a stream diverted for drinking water did not comply with the legislation, according to a report […]

Audit Examines 25 Licensees, Finds Good Forest Practices

VICTORIA – Forestry operators and ranchers are carrying out good forest practices in an area near Merritt, but government’s enforcement of the Forest Practices Code could be improved, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board examined the forestry activities of six forest companies, three woodlot licensees, 15 range tenure holders and the Ministry of […]

Range Agreements Pass Audit

NEWS RELEASE – The holders of two range agreements for grazing cattle in the Thompson Rivers Natural Resource District generally met the requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act, according to a report released today

Government Fails to Enforce Forest Practices Code on Kemess Mine’s Power Line

Victoria – Royal Oak Mines Inc. failed to comply with the Forest Practices Code and caused significant harm to the environment along a 380-kilometre power line to its Kemess South mine site, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today. The special investigation report is highly critical of the three ministries responsible for enforcing […]