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Planned Timber Harvesting at Two Recreation Sites near Rock Creek, BC

The Board investigated a complaint about proposed harvesting around recreation sites at Thone and Williamson Lakes. The complainants were concerned that the cutblocks were too close to the campsites and lakes. They thought the harvesting posed and unacceptable risk to: the recreational experience of campers and anglers, public safety due windthrow, riparian ecosystems and water […]

Bulletin 018 – Fire Hazard Assessment

This bulletin explores why fire hazard assessment is important; recent Board audit findings; and provides some FAQs. A fire hazard assessment considers the risk of a fire starting, the hazard associated with the industrial activity, the difficulty in controlling a fire and the potential threat to values.

Fire Preparedness Under Scrutiny

VICTORIA – As it audits forestry operations across B.C. this summer, the Forest Practices Board will be looking closely at how prepared the forest industry is to deal with accidental fire starts. “The Wildfire Act requires a forestry operator to ensure an adequate fire suppression system is available on-site when conducting high-risk activities that could […]

Slocan Park Logging Followed Legal Requirements

An investigation into a complaint by a number of Slocan Park residents about logging of four cutblocks above the community has found that BCTS acted appropriately in planning and overseeing the proposed logging and road building.