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SPECIAL REPORT: Integrating NTFPs into Forest Planning & Practices in BC

SPECIAL REPORT: Integrating NTFPs into Forest Planning & Practices in BC
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Report Summary

Report Summary
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IRC106 - Datlamen Road Public Review

IRC106 - Datlamen Road Public Review
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Board Response

Board Response Board's response to letter from ADMs Mack & Berg
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How are your audits selected?

To begin with, auditors randomly select an area of the Province, such as a natural resource district. Then the auditors review the forest resources, geographic features, operating conditions and other factors in the area selected. These are considered in conjunction with the Board’s strategic priorities, and the type of audit is determined. At this stage, […]
Report bcfpb_report

Effects of Cattle Grazing near Streams, Lakes and Wetlands: A results-based assessment of range practices under the Forest Practices Code in maintaining riparian values

The Forest Practices Board has completed an assessment of the health of riparian areas subject to cattle grazing on...
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The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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