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Wildfire Management Plans Step in the Right Direction

An investigation into the state of fire management planning has found that fire management plans have been prepared in all forest districts in the province, and that they provide the basic information needed to help plan a response to a wildfire, according to a report released today.
Report bcfpb_report

BC Timber Sales - Prince George Business Area, Mackenzie District: Forestry Audit

This audit examined the activities of the BC Timber Sales Program (BCTS) in the Mackenzie District. Numerous natural...
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Watchdog celebrates 10 years of promoting forest stewardship

VICTORIA – B.C.’s Forest Practices Board celebrated its first 10 years of existence with the release of its 2004/2005 annual report today. The board, B.C.’s independent forest watchdog, was established in 1995 to report to the public about compliance with the forestry laws. "Now in its eleventh year of operation, the board is well into […]
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Woodlot road-building did not comply with code

The BCIT Forest Society incorrectly classified fish streams in a Maple Ridge woodlot, which contravened the Forest Practices Code, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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Elk Creek Harvesting Found Reasonable

Ministry approval of logging in Elk Creek, east of Chilliwack, was reasonable under the circumstances and the forest company exceeded the requirements of forest practices legislation for protecting rare species, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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Good Marks for Bridge Maintenance on Forestry Roads

A new special investigation gives good marks to the Ministry of Forests in maintaining bridges on forest service roads, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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Provincial Systems Fail to Protect Threatened Species

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has found that there is a systemic failure in government policy to protect threatened species such as marbled murrelets on crown forest lands. The findings were released as the close of a board investigation of a 1999 complaint concerning logging approvals in the Brand Valley on south-western Vancouver Island, […]
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Forest Practices Board releases its first coastal audit

The Forest Practices Board today released the report for its first audit on the coast - an audit of the road and timber harvesting practices on Tree Farm Licence 45 held by International Forest Products Ltd. The licence is located in the coastal mainland area north of Campbell River. The audit examined the road and […]
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Board to Audit Enforcement in Fort St. James Forest District

VICTORIA - The Forest Practices Board will audit the appropriateness of government enforcement of the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) within the Fort St. James Forest District. Two government ministries are responsible for FRPA enforcement: the Ministry of Forests and the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection. The audit will review the enforcement […]
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Audit on Nisga’a lands finds good forestry practices, mixed enforcement results

The third round of Forest Practices Board compliance audits on Nisga’a lands found forest planning and practices complied in all significant respects with the Forest Practices Code and the Nisga’a Final Agreement. The Nisga’a lands are in and around the Nass Valley, about 100 kilometres northwest of Terrace, and cover about 2,000 square kilometres.
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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