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Most Kemess Mine Power Line Issues Addressed

Kemess Mine has addressed most of the environmental issues identified in a Forest Practices Board investigation, but there are still environmental concerns related to skid bridges near the power line, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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Board Audit Will Examine Mountain Pine Beetle Management

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will conduct an audit this September looking specifically at forest activities related to the ongoing mountain pine beetle infestation in north-central BC. Mountain pine beetles attack and kill mature trees by boring through the bark and mining the layer between the bark and wood of a tree. About half […]
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The Pas' Forest Practices Get Clean Bill

The Pas Lumber Company Ltd. is carrying out good forest practices in the Fort St. James and Prince George forest districts, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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Independent study finds B.C.’s forests are regenerating very well

Victoria - A Forest Practices Board study has found that forest licensees, government and forestry professionals have done an excellent job of ensuring most trees replanted in 6,488 cutblocks across the province are growing into healthy forests. Each year, more than 200 million seedlings are planted in B.C. Following the logging of public land, forest companies […]
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Forest practices improving but better government planning needed

VICTORIA– The province’s independent forest practices watchdog says on-the-ground forest practices continue to improve in B.C.’s public forests, but government still needs to provide direction to forest companies to ensure the protection of threatened wildlife habitat. In its 2002 annual report, the Forest Practices Board also comments on changes to forest legislation, the board’s continued […]
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Audit Examines 25 Licensees, Finds Good Forest Practices

VICTORIA – Forestry operators and ranchers are carrying out good forest practices in an area near Merritt, but government’s enforcement of the Forest Practices Code could be improved, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board examined the forestry activities of six forest companies, three woodlot licensees, 15 range tenure holders and the Ministry of […]
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Audit finds marked improvement in forestry on southern Vancouver Island

Forest companies and government are carrying out good forest practices on Crown lands on southeast Vancouver Island, the Forest Practices Board reported today.
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Faster action, incentives needed to protect marbled murrelet habitat

A Forest Practices Board special report released today says potential habitat for threatened species is being lost to forest development while the process for defining habitat areas drags on.
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Ranchers on track, but government needs to improve enforcement

B.C.'s Ministry of Forests needs to follow its own policy for making sure range practices on Crown lands are meeting Forest Practices Code requirements.
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Grazing cattle harm water bodies

A Forest Practices Board study of the impacts of cattle grazing near lakes, streams and wetlands in B.C. has found some range practices that could harm fish habitat, wildlife habitat and water quality.
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.
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