Forestry licensees and BC Timber Sales (BCTS) have a legal obligation under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) to regrow stands of trees after logging. Reforestation efforts must result in successful regeneration of trees and growth to healthy maturity. This is important both to ensure a sustainable flow of economically valuable timber into the […]
An experienced forest worker was concerned that Tolko had not removed all the trees it felled to trap Douglas-fir bark beetle before the insects emerged and that some of its harvest practices increased the infestation level in ungulate winter range in the Upper Salmon River area. Douglas-fir bark beetle is normally present at low levels […]
The Board received a complaint about harvesting a young stand of trees that had been treated to increase the volume and value of the trees. The complainant was concerned that harvesting this young stand may impact timber supply and was not consistent with good forest stewardship or sound ecological principles. The Board believed that one […]
A professional biologist with black bear expertise submitted a complaint on April 8, 2019, asserting that black bear dens in large diameter, old trees are being lost to harvesting old growth forests on Vancouver Island. The complainant is concerned that the declining availability of large trees will eventually affect population numbers. The Board concluded that […]
Victoria - A Forest Practices Board study has found that forest licensees, government and forestry professionals have done an excellent job of ensuring most trees replanted in 6,488 cutblocks across the province are growing into healthy forests. Each year, more than 200 million seedlings are planted in B.C. Following the logging of public land, forest companies […]
VICTORIA – Government and industry should implement preventative measures to counter the more frequent extreme peak flows in streams as a result of the mountain pine beetle epidemic, according to a Forest Practices Board special investigation released today. The investigation used the Baker Creek watershed as a test case. Baker Creek, west of Quesnel, is […]
The Board conducts its work throughout British Columbia, and we respectfully acknowledge the territories of the many Indigenous Peoples who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.