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Damage from fighting forest fires fixed

Government is effectively rehabilitating damage to forests caused by fire fighting, according to a Forest Practices Board special investigation report released today.

Logging road in a river must address environmental concerns

VICTORIA -A proposed logging road along the Goat River should not have been approved by the Ministry of Forests without a rationale and before environmental concerns were addressed, the Forest Practices Board says in an investigation report released today. The board’s report responds to a complaint filed by the Fraser Headwaters Alliance in July 2000, […]

B.C. Strategy for Threatened Seabird Unknown

VICTORIA – Despite repeated Forest Practices Board recommendations to act, the Province has not developed a strategy for conserving marbled murrelet habitat, leaving forest professionals and industry with weak direction on what is necessary to ensure the survival of the threatened seabird, says a new board report. The report, Conservation of Species at Risk under […]