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Closing Letter: Post Creek

The complaint lists a number of issues and includes a request that the cutblocks proposed by Tamihi Logging Co. Ltd. (…

Forest Practices of Skeena Cellulose to be Audited

Victoria – The Forest Practices Board will audit the forest planning and practices of Skeena Cellulose Inc. on Forest Licence A16829. The operating area for this licence is the Bulkley timber supply area, north of Smithers. This is a limited-scope audit that will look at construction, maintenance and deactivation of roads; timber harvesting; and associated […]

Tolko operations near Merritt pass audit

VICTORIA – An audit of Tolko Industries Ltd.’s forest practices on forest licences A18696, A18697 and A74911 in the Cascades Natural Resource District has found general compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation. “Most practices were well done, but fire hazard assessments were either incomplete or were not completed within the required time period,” said Kevin Kriese, […]

West Fraser Gets Clean Audit

The forestry operations of West Fraser Mills Ltd. in the Morice forest district complied with Forest Practices Code requirements in all significant respects, says a report released today by the Forest Practices Board.

Five woodlots in southern Interior get clean audits

VICTORIA – Planning and field activities undertaken in five woodlots in the Arrow Boundary Forest District in southern British Columbia were found to be compliant during an audit of their operations. The audits of woodlot licences W0408, W0475, W0479, W1470 and W1832 were conducted in June 2007. The audits assessed for compliance with the Forest Practices […]