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Issue #24 – Winter 2020/21

Here in BC the coming year will continue to see a significant focus on big issues from the past year; the economic transition in the forest sector driven in part by declining fiber supply, managing the implications of the COVID 19 pandemic, and implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act. The […]

Logging in mountain caribou habitat examined

VICTORIA – An investigation of timber harvesting within mountain caribou habitat near Blue River found that all licensees have met or exceeded the legal requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and a legal order that applies to the area. “We were pleased to find that the forestry, hydroelectric and adventure tourism industries all […]

Board to audit BCTS activities on Lower Mainland

VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board will examine the activities of the BC Timber Sales program based in Chilliwack during the week of June 23. The audit will examine harvesting, silviculture, protection, road construction, maintenance and deactivation and operational planning carried out by BC Timber Sales and timber sale licence holders. The one-week audit will […]

Board Releases Review of BC’s Forest Planning

Victoria -Fundamental changes to the way forest development is planned in B.C. are recommended in a report released today by the Forest Practices Board. The report concludes the board’s provincewide review of the forest development planning process. Forest development plans are prepared by individual forest companies and the Ministry of Forests’ Small Business Forest Enterprise […]

BC Timber Sales in Arrow Lakes passes audit

VICTORIA – An audit of BC Timber Sales (BCTS) and timber sale licence (TSL) holders in the Arrow Field Unit of the Kootenay Business Area found general compliance with B.C.’s forestry legislation, according to a report. “BCTS complied with requirements of the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act; however, auditors found that […]

BC Timber Sales Program in Hazelton Commended

VICTORIA – An audit of the BC Timber Sales program and timber sale licensees near Hazelton found most planning and forestry activities complied with forest practices legislation. Sixteen timber sale licensees and BCTS all fared well in the audit, however, one timber sale licence holder caused significant amounts of soil disturbance on two cutblocks. “The […]